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The Most Common Autoimmune disease is RA(Rheumatoid Arthritis).  Second most common is Sjogren's Syndrome.

Autoimmune diseases develop when the auto-reactive B lymphocytes (autoantibodies) and T lymphocytes described cause a pathological and/or functional damage to the organ/tissue containing the target autoantigen(s).

The treatment depends on the type of autoimmune disease. In most cases, the doctor will prescribe medications such as corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs to reduce inflammation.

A Rheumatologist treats arthritis and other rheumatic diseases, autoimmune and inflammatory diseases that can cause the immune system to attack its joints, muscles, bones, or organs.

An Endocrinologist treats autoimmune diseases such as Diabetes, Graves, Addisons', Hashimoto and others.

Ocular Manifestations:  Ocular symptoms may include dry or red eyes, foreign body sensation, pruritus, photophobia, pain, visual changes, and even complete loss of vision. Because a number of these diseases may initially present with ocular symptoms, physicians ought to maintain a high index of suspicion to make a timely diagnosis.

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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