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Blurry Vision

Along with blurry vision, Diabetic Eye Disease may also cause: “Floating” spots in your field of vision or even permanent loss of vision in extreme cases.

Stroke: A sign that one is having a stroke is a sudden, painless change in eyesight. There may be blurry or double vision.

If one is pregnant,  blurry vision cannot be brushed off. It could be a sign of Preeclampsia, a dangerous condition marked by very high blood pressure and protein in the urine.
A migraine is more than a horrible headache. There are a host of other symptoms that one may have with the pain, including blurry vision and sensitivity to light. One may feel these signs even before a migraine starts, and they may last until it is over. A more dramatic change to Eyesight during a migraine is called an aura.

Psoriasis can affect the eyes, too. It can cause a condition called uveitis, when inflammation leads to swelling that causes blurred vision, pain, redness, and sensitivity to light.
Blurry vision is often one of the earliest symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). This disease causes inflammation along the Optic nerve that connects the eyes to the  Brain.

A Brain Tumor in any part of the brain can make pressure build up inside the skull. That can cause many symptoms, including blurred vision

As Parkinson's Disease gets worse, it can affect sight. That is because the condition may change how eyes move and thereby causing Blurry Vision.

Blurred vision can happen because of being tired, or it can be a symptom of another condition. Treatment depends on the cause. If blurred vision comes on suddenly, seek medical help immediately.

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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