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BVD: Binocular Vision Dysfunction

Binocular vision dysfunction is an ocular condition that occurs when the eyes don’t align properly with one another. Although our brains may try to correct this misalignment, it is not without considerable effort and this results in a range of symptoms that may be associated with the condition. Exactly what some people develop BVD and others is not often clear. However, research has found that BVD is often genetically inherited and so if members of family who suffer from similar symptoms , it may be that they too have BVD and it has not been diagnosed.

Patients who suffer from binocular vision dysfunction have one eye that is slightly out of alignment with the other. This difference could be absolutely tiny but could still have a significant effect on vision. In theory, this would result in double images, but since the brain does not allow this, it will try and force the muscles in the eyes to compensate for the misalignment. The strain that is placed onto the eye muscles to try and do this is what will lead to the symptoms of the condition.

Many people who have BVD are actually misdiagnosed before their BVD is discovered. Some of the most common conditions that are misdiagnosed and later attributed to BVD include vertigo, migraine disorder, dyslexia and even learning disabilities such as ADD/ADHD.

BVD triggers:



BVD is treated by correcting the eye misalignment . This is done with specialized micro-prism lenses, which bend light in such a way that the image seen by the eye is moved into the position it needs to be in order to once again realign the images. Sometimes, a Neurology Referral may be necessary.


Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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