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Chloroquine Retinal Toxicity

What are the symptoms of ocular toxicity caused by Chloroquine and Hydeoxychloroquine?
retinal toxicity symptoms may include:
  • blurred central vision.
  • not being able to see colours.
  • trouble seeing at night.
  • difficulty reading.
  • flickering or flashing lights.
  • Chronic use of CQ and HCQ can cause ocular adverse effects including corneal deposits, posterior subcapsular lens opacity, ciliary body dysfunction, retinopathy, macular effects, peripheral bone spicule formation, vascular attenuation, and optic disc pallor.  These toxicities may result in vision loss.

Patients prescribed HQ and CQ should be instructed on the importance of regular follow up care with Optometry or other Eye HCP starting at the onset of therapy. This way the dose can be adjusted and modulated, while at the same time, being aware of the benefits and risk(s) of CQ/HCQ therapy. 



Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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