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Diabetes and the EYE(s)


Diabetic eye disease is a group of eye problems that can affect people with diabetes. These conditions include diabetic retinopathy, diabetic macular edema, cataracts, and glaucoma.

Over time, diabetes can cause damage to your eyes that can lead to poor vision or even blindness. But you can take steps to prevent diabetic eye disease, or keep it from getting worse, by taking care of your diabetes.

The best ways to manage your diabetes and keep your eyes healthy are to

Often, there are no warning signs of diabetic eye disease or vision loss when damage first develops. A dilated eye exam helps your doctor find and treat eye problems early—often before vision loss can occur.

In the short term, you are not likely to have vision loss from high blood glucose. People sometimes have blurry vision for a few days or weeks when they’re changing their care plan or medications. High glucose can change fluid levels or cause swelling in the lens of the Eye that helps you to focus, causing blurred vision. This type of blurry vision is temporary and goes away when your glucose level gets closer to normal.

If your blood glucose stays high over time, it can damage the tiny blood vessels in the back of your eyes(Retina). This damage can begin during prediabetes, when blood glucose is higher than normal, but not high enough for you to be diagnosed with diabetes. Damaged blood vessels may leak fluid and cause swelling. New, weak blood vessels may also begin to grow. These blood vessels can bleed into the middle part of the eye, lead to scarring, or cause dangerously high pressure inside your eye. Bottom line: If you have Diabetes, Please see Your Endocrinologist/PCP and Eye Doc once or twice a year.

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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