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Heart Attack

Heart 'Disease' does not kill people. Heart 'Attacks' do however .
Blood clots can suddenly block arteries Not plaque. 
One can have a 'Lot' of plaques but it does not have to be causing an obstruction to the artery And therefore one may not have any symptoms. Think "30% blockages in all of arteries" As opposed to a "90% blockage" in one small section.
The majority of people who die suddenly from heart disease have plaques in excess  of <70%, therefore, stenosis (Narrowing), with no symptoms.
It is not that less obstructive plaque is more dangerous There is just likely to be more of it. More Plaque = Higher Risk.
This explains why so many people will die suddenly from a heart attack And yet have no symptoms prior. So to maximally decrease risk,  one needs to delay the onset of plaque build up to as late as possible in life. This can be achieved by aggressively managing risk factors. /8
Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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