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Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Symptoms of heat exhaustion (precursor to heatstroke)

• Heavy sweating

• Cold, pale and clammy skin

• Fast, weak pulse

• Nausea or vomiting

• Muscle cramps

• Tiredness or weakness

• Dizziness

• Headache

• Fainting (passing out)

Symptoms of heatstroke

• High body temperature (103°F or higher)

• Hot, red, dry, or damp skin

• Fast, strong pulse

• Headache

• Dizziness

• Nausea

• Confusion

• Losing consciousness (passing out)

When to get HELP. Do not wait. CALL 911

If you think a person may be experiencing heatstroke, seek immediate medical help. Call 911 or the local emergency services/Fire Department number.

Take immediate action to cool the overheated person while waiting for emergency treatment.

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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