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Metabolic Acidosis

What happens if one develops metabolic acidosis?

Metabolic acidosis may or may not cause any signs and symptoms. Symptoms can encompass all or some of the following:

If metabolic acidosis is not controlled, it can lead to long-term problems that may include:

There are several types of metabolic acidosis:


These tests can help diagnose acidosis. They can also determine whether the cause is a breathing problem or a metabolic problem. Tests may include:

  • Arterial or venous blood gas
  • Basic metabolic panel, (a group of blood tests that measure your sodium and potassium levels, kidney function, and other chemicals and functions)
  • Blood ketones
  • Lactic acid test
  • Urine ketones
  • Urine pH


Treatment is aimed at the health problem causing the acidosis. In some cases, sodium bicarbonate (the chemical in baking soda) may be given to reduce the acidity of the blood. Often, one may receive lots of fluids through the vein.


The outlook will depend on the underlying disease causing the condition.

Possible Complications

Extreme metabolic acidosis may lead to shock or death.

Seek Medical help ASAP or call 911 if one has symptoms of any disease process that can cause Metabolic Acidosis.



Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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