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Pain and Spinal Segments

Pain can be referred to different areas of the body depending on the spinal segment involved.

Here's a breakdown of the spinal segments and their corresponding pain referral patterns:

Cervical Spine (Neck) 1. C1-C2: Pain referred to the head, especially the back and top

2. C3-C4: Pain referred to the neck and shoulder region

3. C5-C6: Pain referred to the neck, shoulder, and upper arm

4. C7-C8: Pain referred to the neck, shoulder, arm, and hand Thoracic Spine (Upper/Middle Back)

1. T1-T4: Pain referred to the upper back, chest, and abdomen 2. T5-T8: Pain referred to the middle back, chest, and abdomen 3. T9-T12: Pain referred to the lower back, abdomen, and groin Lumbar Spine (Lower Back)

1. L1-L2: Pain referred to the lower back, groin, and thigh 2. L3-L4: Pain referred to the lower back, thigh, and knee 3. L5-S1: Pain referred to the lower back, thigh, knee, and foot Sacrum and Coccyx (Pelvis)

1. S1-S5: Pain referred to the pelvis, buttocks, and legs 2. Coccyx: Pain referred to the tailbone and surrounding area

These are general patterns and can vary from person to person. Pain referral patterns can also be influenced by various factors, such as: - Nerve compression or irritation - Muscle imbalances or trigger points - Joint dysfunction or inflammation - Systemic conditions, such as fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis .

If you are experiencing pain, it's essential to consult with a HCP for proper evaluation and treatment.

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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