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Why does it ache when it rains?


When the weather outside is cold, joint pain, muscle pain and arthritis can flare up. That is because cold weather can induce inflammation, which can exacerbate these conditions.

There are a few ways that cold weather can contribute to inflammation.  Colder temperatures can cause the body’s tissue to contract. This can put pressure on joints and nerves, which may lead to pain. Cold weather can also disrupt the production of collagen, which is a protein that helps keep our joints healthy.

Barometric Pressure Changes and Body Aches

When Barometric pressure changes, people with joint pain or arthritis report feeling more pain and discomfort.

Here are some of the reasons:

When the weather changes, so does the Human Body. As temperature and humidity outside fluctuates, so does the water content in our cells. This can lead to all sorts of aches and pains, from migraines and headaches to cramps and muscle stiffness.

There are a few things one can do to help ease symptoms during cold or rainy months such as:

Make sure to dress warmly and protect joints from the cold as much as possible. Try to stay dry. Stay indoors when it is raining. Wear waterproof clothing which will help to keep the body dry and reduce the amount of pressure on the joints.

A hot shower can help relax muscles and joints.

Exercise is a good way to keep the body healthy and fit, and it can also help relieve some of the aches and pains that come along with weather changes. When the weather outside is colder, our bodies tend to stiffen up and we may start to feel that in our muscles. Exercise can help loosen up these muscles and keep them nimble and  flexible.

ILow impact workout like walking or swimming can help increase blood flow to the joints and reduce inflammation.

When we are properly hydrated, our cells are able to maintain their structure and function. But when we get dehydrated, our cells shrink and become less flexible. This makes them more susceptible to changes in pressure and temperature, which can result in pain. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and minimize consumption of caffeine and alcohol.

Consult Your PCP

If you experience pain in your joints or muscles when it rains, make an appointment with your PCP. There are therapies available that can help reduce pain and make it more manageable. With appropriate treatment, one can enjoy Life inspite of the rainy weather outside.

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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