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Why One May Need Magnesium Supplementation

Magnesium deficiency is common. key signs of which are :

  1. Irritability
  2. Chronic fatigue
  3. Frequent headaches
  4. Repeated respiratory problems
  5. Muscle cramps
  6. Depressive symptoms
  7. Symptoms related to metabolic syndrome or diabetes

Magnesium is vital for our metabolic, muscle, energy, immune system, and nervous system. It is estimated that between 10%  of Americans experience magnesium deficiency. Hence, it iss essential to include magnesium in diet, especially if one suffers from chronic inflammatory diseases, migraines, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, muscle cramps or poor sleep. These conditions all require higher levels of magnesium for optimal health and performance.

The best time to take magnesium supplements is about 2 hours before or after any meal.

Other informational source:

Paddy Kalish OD, JD and B.Arch

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